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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Natural-geographical sciences

Conditions of publication


Information for authors

Materials in the "Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, the series "Natural and Geographical Sciences" are accepted by website:

The author for correspondence is obliged to provide contact and personal data in the form of the section "Our authors".

The total volume of the article (including the title, annotations, keywords, text, literature) the minimum volume of the article is 2500 words for the section "METHODS OF TEACHING CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY AND ECOLOGY". The minimum volume of articles is 2000 words for the sections "ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES" (Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Ecology). The maximum volume: no more than 8000 words. In addition, the minimum / maximum volume of the article in A4 sheets does not matter, focusing only on the number of words in the article.

Languages of publication: Kazakh, Russian, English

 The articles of graduate students are published only in co-authorship with persons with an academic degree.

Please note that the maximum number of articles in the collection from one author is 1. With the maximum volume of the article, up to 5 co-authors are allowed.

All articles are checked for the presence of borrowings (plagiarism) in the Anti-Plagiarism system, the threshold level is at least 75% of the original text. The author/authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the article. Increasing the uniqueness of the text with the help of technical and other unfair methods leads to the exclusion of publication. Articles are subject to blind peer review.

Article submission deadlines: 1st quarter – until March 1; 2nd quarter – until June 1; 3rd quarter – until September 1; 4th quarter - until December 1.

Claims for payment without confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication are not considered. Untimely paid articles, subject to their acceptance for publication, automatically move to the next issue. 

            REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SUBMITION OF AN ARTICLE        Article provided in Word 2003-2007 format. Format of article - A4, font «Times New Roman», font size of the main text - 12 pt, drawings, diagrams - 10 pt, line spacing - single; indent of the first line of paragraph - 0.5 cm.; all fields - 2 cm;      

Text in hard-to-read fonts, graphics, diagrams, pictures, etc. is scanned and inserted into the article in the form of an image with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Mandatory structural elements of the article:    

  1. Тhe IRSTI index.
  2. THE AUTHOR (S)of the article is indicated - initials, surname (in English, Kazakh and Russian).

The author(s) of the article must indicate the place of work (full name of the organization), city, country (in English, Kazakh and Russian).

Corresponding author with you * indicates a phone number, email address. Information about the authors is written in a simple font, lowercase letters and aligned to the center of the line. If the authors are all from the same university, no numbering is needed.

  1. THE TITLE OF THE ARTICLE(topic) should reflect the essence and content of the article, attract the attention of the reader. The topic should be meaningful and concise, free of jargon and abbreviations. The title of the topic is no more than 12 words. The title is given in bold capital letters, aligned to the center of the line (in English, Kazakh and Russian).
  2. ABSTRACT in three languages(in English, Kazakh and Russian) is 200-300 words, the same in three languages.The abstract allows you to expand the description of the topic, (the basic problem, its relevance, applied methods, key hypotheses and conclusions, the possibility of using the results in practice) which is given in the title. It is impossible to consider the annotation as an introduction.
  3. KEYWORDS (not less than 7/10) consisting of words/phrases.
  4. Further paragraphs 2-5 in Kazakh/Russian and English.
  5. The text of the article should be consistent with the structure of IMRAD:
  • Basic provisions (contains 4-6 paragraphs briefly reflecting the basic ideas and results of the study)
  • Introduction (relevance, level of elaboration of the problem, purpose and significance of the study).
  • Materials and methods (description of the methods, techniques, materials used, research methodology).
  • Results (results of the work done, tables, graphs, illustrations and links to datasets).
  • Discussion (interpretation and explanation of the data obtained as a result of the study, comparison of the results with the experience of other scientists).
  • Conclusion/ Conclusions (contains brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the wording given in them )
  • Acknowledgements (The author expresses: gratitude to colleagues for their help, gratitude for financial support of the study in italics, deviation from the conclusion 1.5)
  1. The list of used literature is made after the text in accordance with GOST 7.1:2003 (see Model 1) and must include at least 10 and no more than 20 sources, including mandatory references to publications indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus). Self-citation of no more than 1-2 sources. Automatic numbering of a list of literature is not allowed. References to the relevant sources are given in the text as mentioned, in square brackets [1, p. 15] and in line-by-line numbering, indicating the source number from the list of literature and page, or the article of the standard referred to by the author. Using footnotes are not allowed.
  1. References (for articles in Kazakh and Russian, transliteration of the list of used literature is obligatory)

At the end of the article (in one file) the information to be included in the section «Our authors». (See model below)

References (Pin 12)

  1. Zhienbaeva N.B., Abdigapbarova U.M., Mahambetova A.B. «Eksperimental'noe izuchenie razvitiya dual'no – orientirovannogo  obucheniya  v  obrazovatel'nom  processe  vuza  [Experimental study of the development of dual -oriented education in the educational process of the university]».  Obrazovatel'nyj vestnik «Soznanie» T. 22, no 11, (2020): 25-30.
  2. Aksartov R.M.,Aizikov M.I.,Rasulova S.A. Metod kolithestvennogo opredelenuia leukomiznina. Vestnik KazNU,Ser.him.-2003.-T.1. -S.40-41.

Information for the section «Our authors»

Абитаева Айсулу Аманжолқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті,7М01513–Биологиябілім беру бағдарламасының 2 курс магистранты,

Абитаева Айсулу Аманжоловна – Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая, магистрант 2 курса образовательной программы 7М01513–Биология,

Abitaeva Aisulu – 2nd year master's student of the educational program 7M01513–Biology, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,