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Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Natural-geographical sciences

Journal policy

Editorial policy of the journal "Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series "Natural-Geographical Sciences"

Editorial Policy (PDF)

Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. The series «Natural-Geography Sciences» is published 4 times a year in paper and electronic format in the following dates:  No. 1 to 29 March, No.2 to 29 June, No. 3 to 29 September and No.4 to 29 December of the current year.

Purpose of the journal. Publication of current issues in chemistry, biology, geography and ecology, as well as in the methods of teaching natural-geographical disciplines in schools, colleges and universities.

Thematic focus of the journal:

Publication of the main results of scientific research, grant projects, dissertations, discussion of a wide range of scientific issues in the following areas:

  • "Methodology of teaching chemistry, biology, geography and ecology";
  • "Current Issues of Natural and Geographical Sciences (Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Ecology)"

The objectives of the journal:

  • Publication of new scientific results of fundamental and applied significance in innovative methods of teaching chemistry, biology, geography and ecology;
  • Creation of a wide field of professional communication for domestic and foreign teachers and scientists;
  • Dissemination of information on new scientific research of Kazakh and foreign scientists in the field of education and science;
  • Popularization of domestic scientific experience in order to attract attention of the international community of teachers and researchers to the achievements of Kazakh scientists, new educational technologies in higher, secondary, general, additional and professional education;
  • Formation of a sustainable interest in the scientific community of the Republic of Kazakhstan, young scientists, master's students and doctoral students in the achievements in the field of natural and geographical sciences, ensuring the development of professional growth.

Terms of publication of scientific articles in the journal:

The corresponding author (in certain cases, the presence of 2 or more co-authors from the authors' collective of the manuscript) uploads the article to the journal's website no less than two months before the release of the next issue of the journal, indicating all the metadata of the article and its authors. The recommended volume of the article is 2500-8000 words (information about the authors, abstract, references are not taken into account). Illustrations, diagrams, tables included in the text of the article are taken into account in the total volume of the text.

An article by one author (prepared separately or in co-authorship) can be published no more than once during a calendar year in the journal. In one issue of the journal, the author has the right to publish only one article. Publication languages in the edition: Kazakh, English and Russian.

All scientific articles undergo mandatory anonymous peer review by independent reviewers or specialists who are not members of the editorial board and have a scientific specialization closer to the topic of the article "Natural-Geographical Sciences"

The author(s) of the manuscript approved for publication in the journal is obliged to pay in accordance with the approved price list for the publication of articles in scientific journals of Abai KazNPU. The author confirms payment for the publication of the article by a receipt sent to the editorial office by e-mail.

Complaints about payment without confirmation of acceptance of the article for publication will not be considered. In case of acceptance for publication of untimely unpaid articles, they are automatically transferred to the next issue.

The editorial board of the journal, reviewing the manuscripts received from the author/authors, organizes their review and within two months from the date of receipt makes a decision on the publication or refusal to publish the manuscript.

The manuscript must not have been previously published or transferred to other publications, the originality of the text must be at least 75% (the editors check it using online systems for identifying text similarities), meet technical requirements and have positive reviews from the journal's experts. The editors have the right to request the submission of additional materials confirming the authenticity of the article. The author/authors are responsible for the accuracy of the data in the scientific article. An article written using technical or other unfair methods in order to increase the originality of the text will not be accepted.

Review. The article is reviewed by the editorial committee of the journal. In case of improper formatting or non-compliance with the criteria of the journal, the article is returned to the author. In case of a positive decision, a plagiarism check is carried out. If the authenticity is less than 75%, the article is returned for revision. Works with an authenticity of more than 75% undergo double anonymous review (checking for grammatical and stylistic errors, etc.). If necessary, the author can make corrections at the suggestion of reviewers.

Archiving and accessibility:

  • The paper version of all issues of the scientific publication is available in the University library, as well as in the editorial office of the journal;
  • Electronic archives of journal issues are publicly available on the University website in the Science department

The journal's website provides the necessary information for authors and readers information about the journal's activities: publication conditions, rules for the design and submission of manuscripts to the journal, the procedure for forming the journal and reviewing manuscripts, publication ethics, information about the editorial board, contact information for the scientific editor and executive secretary.

The authors of the articles grant the journal the right to publish it. The copyright holder of the published work is the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

The authorship of the article belongs to the researchers who took direct part in the creation of the scientific work, the interpretation of the text of the article and in obtaining scientific results.

The authors of scientific articles retain the rights to their manuscripts, while providing permission to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute or copy, but with a mandatory link to the author, the publication edition and the original of this work. When citing an article, not all of the above actions require permission from the authors or publishers. Authors have the right to publish their article in other sources (for example, in an institutional archive, social networks, etc.), but, as indicated above, with a mandatory link to its original publication in the journal.

Publication Ethics:

The journal supports and uses the principles formulated in the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing for open access scientific journals and the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) with mandatory reference to the publication.

The following actions and behavior of authors, editors or publishers do not correspond to ethics: contractual and false peer review of scientific articles; resorting to agency services for the publication of research results; falsification of the author's composition; independent participation in the publication of pseudoscientific texts; transfer of article texts to other publications without the consent of the primary author; transfer of article materials to third parties; violation of copyright and violation of the principle of confidentiality of editorial processes; citation, plagiarism and forgery.

Duties and rights of editors, reviewers and authors:

The editors of the journal are obliged to evaluate manuscripts solely on the basis of their scientific significance, correct transmission of information, objectivity of conclusions, encourage exclusively scientific discussions, and ensure the protection of the author's personal data. Editors have the right to familiarize themselves with the experts' conclusions and make suggestions for improving the works accepted for publication.

The members of the editorial board undertake to follow the instructions for implementing the basic requirements of publication ethics assigned to them; to maintain confidentiality in their work and not to use unpublished authorial information in their research. The members of the editorial board have the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to involve experts in various fields to participate in the review of articles submitted for publication in the publication.

The reviewer is obliged to adhere to the agreed deadlines for the examination, consider the received material as confidential, and give an accurate and reasoned objective assessment of the materials submitted for review. The reviewer has the right to notify the editors or refuse to review if the subject of the article is not within his area of competence or cannot be reviewed in a timely manner.

Measures to identify conflicts of interest and unethical behavior.

In the event of personal interests, unethical behavior in the performance of work duties may lead to a dispute of interests. In these circumstances, a representative of the editorial board is obliged to be guided by the interests of the publication and the university.

Correspondence with the author on the review or correction of articles, publication of amendments, apologies, refutations is possible on the journal's website.